![C34 - The Western Veil
2400 ly
Canon EOS 750Da, behind IR-Cut and L-Pro filters, prime focus through Skywatcher Explorer 130P-DS OTA, on Skywatcher EQ6-R PRO Synscan GOTO mount, guided by 9x50 finder with ASI120MC-S
36 stacked images x 240sec-darks-flats-bias, processed in DSS, edited in RawTherapee, croped
Exposure time [h] : 02:24:00
F-Number : 5.0
ISO speed ratings : 800
Focal length [mm] : 650
Πολύδροσος Φωκίδας 2021-10-04-Autosave006_01_edirsz.jpg](_data/i/galleries/astrophotos/upload/2021-10-04-Autosave006_01_edirsz-me.jpg)
C34 - The Western Veil
2400 ly
Canon EOS 750Da, behind IR-Cut and L-Pro filters, prime focus through Skywatcher Explorer 130P-DS OTA, on Skywatcher EQ6-R PRO Synscan GOTO mount, guided by 9x50 finder with ASI120MC-S
36 stacked images x 240sec-darks-flats-bias, processed in DSS, edited in RawTherapee, croped
Exposure time [h] : 02:24:00"
F-Number : 5.0
ISO speed ratings : 800
Focal length [mm] : 650
Πολύδροσος Φωκίδας
- Author
- Decon_g
- Created on
- Monday 4 October 2021
- Posted on
- Saturday 19 February 2022
- Visits
- 1653
- Rating score
- no rate
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